Tall, Short, or Somewhere in Between: Navigating Height Insecurities in Dating
Is your height below average? Does it affect your self-esteem, especially when dating? Dating is a tough game as it is. With so much competition in the dating pool, you shouldn’t have to feel self-conscious about your height too. Thankfully, there is a surgical way to improve your height, as well as some non-surgical ways. But before getting into what they are, take a look at some strategies to help you navigate height insecurities in dating.
Height and Dating: How to Get Past Your Insecurities
Being short can affect many areas of your life. Whether you struggle to reach the top shelf or can’t see past the crowd at a show, being short has its challenges. For some reason, these challenges seem to become more burdensome when you enter the dating game. Even though personality is more important than looks, that’s not enough to prevent you from feeling insecure about your height. No matter how you look at things, height matters when it comes to dating.
Look for Partners Who Aren’t Concerned With Height
Some individuals aren’t shy to specify their ideal suitor’s height. Many online dating sites require you to list your height on your profile. While this may seem unfair, it does not change the reality of height insecurities.
If you are satisfied with your height, look for people who feel the same way. Not everyone cares about dating someone taller than them. If you use online dating apps, why not look for potential partners who don’t have a height requirement on their profile? This can also help you avoid unnecessary disappointment.
Being Short Has Its Benefits – Embrace Them
If your height is below average and you are insecure about it, try making some jokes about your height to break the ice. Show that you are a proud “Short King” and be confident about your personality instead of your looks. Confidence draws people to you. Tell your date about the benefits of being short, and why you love it. If there isn’t chemistry between you and your date, at least you had a chance to show off your confidence.
Boost Your Confidence in a Different Way
If your height lowers your confidence on a first date, do something that boosts your confidence. Before a date, why not get a new haircut or outfit that makes you feel good? Perhaps you could talk about your personal accomplishments. You can counteract your low self-esteem with things you are proud of!
Increase Your Height With Surgery
It is okay to be insecure about your appearance. If your height is hindering your success in dating, you can do something to change it. Fortunately, there are ways to become taller. Yes, you heard correctly. You can become taller despite being an adult who has stopped growing. Height lengthening can help you reach your ideal height.
Here at Height Lengthening, Dr. Shahab Mahboubian can successfully address your height insecurities with surgical height lengthening.
What Is Surgical Height Lengthening?
Height lengthening is a surgical procedure that gradually increases the length of your legs over several months. Cosmetic height lengthening can increase your height by up to a whopping 6 inches!
During height lengthening surgery, Dr. Mahboubian cuts into the femur or tibia and inserts a device to increase the gap and spread your bones apart. Connective tissue and blood vessels will fill this vacant space. Once the tissue hardens, new bone will form, and your legs will be longer, making you taller. It may take a few months for the device to spread your bones apart since it happens gradually.
The Benefits of Height Lengthening 
Limb lengthening surgery offers emotional and physical benefits to those who undergo the procedure. For example, if your height has always made you feel subconscious, height lengthening surgery could be just the thing you need to boost your confidence. By improving your self-image, you can improve your quality of life. Many individuals who suffer from height insecurities feel left out or isolated even though they are among friends and colleagues.
By increasing your height, you become more visible to others and enjoy a new-found self-confidence. Confidence is key in any social convention, especially when it comes to dating. Men who exude self-confidence are more successful in dating and relationships.
Studies show that there’s a correlation between height and leadership qualities. People who are taller tend to not only have higher self-confidence, but they are also more assertive and likely to exemplify leadership qualities in other areas of their lives, such as in business and relationships.
Other Ways to Increase Your Height
If surgery is not suitable for you, or you are not ready to commit to the procedure and lengthy recovery, there are non-surgical solutions.
Human Growth Hormones (HGH)
You produce human growth hormone in your pituitary gland to encourage natural growth as you age. It is responsible for growth during childhood and puberty. HGH stimulates bone and muscle growth to make you taller. Human growth hormone also helps metabolize sugar and fat. Your body reaches its peak HGH levels during puberty. It is difficult to stimulate natural bone growth once you reach a certain age. HGH supplements require medical approval and can only be administered as you go through puberty to encourage natural growth. The results are ineffective for adults who have reached their peak height.
Shoe Lifts
Shoe lifts can help you appear taller without medical or surgical intervention. While they may not provide the significant height increase that height lengthening surgery can, they provide a quick and easy way to look slightly taller than you are. Shoe lifts can also improve your posture, making you look taller and more confident.
Spine Stretching Exercises
You could try some spine stretching exercises. However, it requires a large input for a small output. Spine stretching exercises yield minor and temporary results and can increase your height by an inch at most.
Height Lengthening Surgery Is the Most Effective Way to Become Taller
While there are other ways to improve your height, none are as permanent and effective as limb lengthening surgery. If your height interferes with your dating success, this surgical procedure is worth your consideration. It can boost your confidence and make dating a lot easier!
Dr. Mahboubian is a height lengthening expert with many years of experience. He always ensures you have enough information to decide whether this surgical procedure suits your needs. If you would like to know more about height lengthening, you can contact us at (818) 322-0126.