What Are the Physical Attributes That Make Men More Attractive, According to Science?
Have you ever wondered why some men seem to have all the luck in the dating and romance departments and you don't? It’s been repeated endlessly that looks aren't everything. But when it comes to attracting the interest of others, it matters! Here’s the latest from the Height Lengthening team on which physical characteristics are scientifically proven to make men more attractive and keep them in high demand on the dating scene and professionally.
Wear the Clothes, Don't Let Them Wear You
Ever heard the saying that clothes and shoes define the man? Well, it’s true! Men are viewed as more attractive, masculine and successful when they dress the part. Spending a fortune on expensive clothing brands is unnecessary to make a good impression on others. However, you should make a reasonable investment in your wardrobe, so you have clothes that complement your best physical features and enhance your appeal to the masses.
Take time to coordinate your outfits and upgrade your footwear and accessories so you can create the image you want others to see instead of leaving things to chance. Wear colors that exude power and masculinity, like red.
Symmetrical and Proportional Physical Features are a Must
Body proportions are important, and when it comes to men, the more symmetry, the better. Scientifically speaking, body proportions have long been associated with physical health and development. Imbalances and mismatches are exceedingly common (limb discrepancies, mismatched torso, lower extremities, etc.).
Studies show men with wide, broad shoulders, long legs, and a proportional torso and weight-to-height ratio are on par with the average person’s idea of masculinity and attractiveness. Body symmetry and masculinity are linked.
Sadly, we can’t choose the bodies we were born with, but cosmetic procedures like height lengthening surgery and products make it easier for some to achieve their ideal perfection than others. Most store-bought products are temporary and do little to permanently erase personal insecurities and self-esteem. Then there are long-lasting and, in some cases, permanent cosmetic surgeries like height lengthening that are extremely effective in remodeling the proportions of the body so men can have the chiseled, sexy, musclebound physiques they desire.
It’s All About That Bass, Voice That Is
Studies show that men with deep voices are more sexually appealing and physically desirable than those with higher pitched voices. No one knows why men with deep, bass voices are perceived as more masculine and attractive to the opposite sex. But, limited evidence suggests that a deep baritone voice is a quality widely associated with large, aggressive, muscular, and protective men.
Reach for the Sky With Height or Get Left Behind
It’s no secret that short men are not as appealing to women or society as their tall counterparts, but much of this is due to stigmas, assumptions, and personal preferences. Sadly, short men have a higher burden to carry when it comes to attracting romantic interest from others. They are also more likely to be deemed passive, less aggressive, not as intelligent, and less masculine.
Before the development of surgical height lengthening techniques, there weren't many avenues for men to turn to make themselves taller. Although they could, and many still do today, rely on shoe lifts and clothing alterations to give the illusion of height and tallness, these methods do little to alleviate the accompanying personal shame and lack of self-esteem and body confidence many live with.
These temporary measures are completely ineffective in the bedroom, giving rise to heightened body dysmorphic and performance anxiety issues due to persistent feelings of inadequacy. Height lengthening surgery is one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures among males today. Many individuals get the procedure because they want to overcome their height insecurities and improve their attractiveness to the opposite sex. It’s also hard to ignore the additional advantages it offers, in terms of financial and professional success.
Pump Up the Muscle, Ripples, Bulges and All
Historically, large, defined muscles have been attributed to powerful, sexy, and successful men. Before modern society, the average male spent most of their time hunting, protecting, and engaging in physical activities that increased their muscle mass. Also, most men had time to work out and commit to diet tactics designed to maximize their muscular proportions.
Sadly today, due to various personal, work, and societal obligations, many people who are not genetically gifted with a chiseled physique no longer have the time or interest for strenuous or intensive workouts and dietary restrictions in hopes of muscles that may or may not develop in a timely manner or to personal expectations.
Now, thanks to cosmetic surgery, health and muscle-building supplements, and the development of more efficient bodybuilding practices, the average male can beef up their body to attract the female or partner of their dreams with less stress and effort.
At the end of the day, your image of perfection is what you make it. If you have physical features that you aren't feeling too confident about and you’re interested in enhancing, it might be time for you to consider cosmetic procedures. Height lengthening surgery can help you look more attractive and increase your personal and professional opportunities.
There’s No Time Like the Present
Being hot and attractive isn't for the weak or weary. Regardless of how anyone goes about getting the physical characteristics they desire to improve their sex appeal and relationship status, one thing is certain: appearance means everything! Do what’s necessary to enhance and protect yours!
Contact Height Lengthening to learn how Dr. Mahboubian can increase your height and make your body proportions more attractive with height lengthening surgery.